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With the announcement of our intent to compete in the UK Esports League (UKEL) LoL League, we’re happy to unveil our starting roster for the event.

Primary Roster:
Top laner:  Klemen ‘KenRut0‘ Kuri (Master)
Jungler:  Darren ‘Dakin‘ Hopkins (Diamond 2)
Mid Laner:  Michael ‘BBMuffin‘ Smirnov (Diamond 1)
AD Carry:  Bailey ‘Aethér‘ Philp (Grandmaster)
Support:  Tom ‘Munch‘ Keenan (Master)

All 5 players are known within the UK&I amateur scene. The roster includes 2 players who competed in Three Ireland’s EStars League of Legends event. Darren ‘Dakin‘ Hopkins, played for Sligo Rovers, won the event, and the €20,000 prize.

Our Managing Director, Christopher Sword said the following:

“I’m really excited to bring these boys on board for the UKEL League of Legends event. They approached me as a pre-made 5, which was beneficial as they already had existing team chemistry. I’m sure they will do well in the event, and I look forward to the tournament.” – Christopher Sword

The team is still looking for substitute players, and we encourage anyone interested to email with the subject “UKEL LoL Substitute Application” to:

Conor Rabbett

Head Of Media & E-Commerce at Viperio.