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As our competition for the 2020 Summer Split ends, we’re begining initial preparations for the 2021 Spring Split. As we look to further enhance our capabilities as an esports club, we’re looking to expand our support team.

We’re looking for both League of Legends coaches & analysts to join Viperio to assist with player development, as we look to take our roster from a top UKEL team to a UKLC contender. Those interested will work directly under Anthony “Saiph” Busack, a former Analyst for Cloud9’s LCS team.

Alan Reid, League of Legends team manager at Viperio, said:

“We want to have a real focus on player development during the off season. We want our players to improve not only in-game, but also in their ability to work with organisations, and treat their hobby more like a profession.” – Alan Reid, LoL Team Manager

If you are interested, please reach out via email:

Conor Rabbett

Head Of Media & E-Commerce at Viperio.